- She died of a lung condition.
- Her husband agreed the life support machine be turned off.
- The same day
- the Department declared
- she was not ill enough
- to receive benefits.
[Daily Mirror, 08/01/2016, Dead mum not ill enough for payouts]
[Daily Mirror, 08/01/2016, Dead mum not ill enough for payouts]
[Responses from the Metropolitan Police (17/03/2016), London Ambulance Service (11/03/2016) and the DWP (undated) to the Prevention of Future Deaths report made by Coroner ME Hassell, 20/1/2016; added details from The Guardian, 06/02/2016, Faiza Ahmed: how one woman’s cries for help were missed by every authority]
[The Guardian, 06/01/2016, The DWP – a bureaucracy of outstanding brutality]