42 down the stairs, fussing

Two years after his wife’s death,
her widower was visited
by the husband of his niece.
‘I went in the back door.
The dog came flying
down the stairs, fussing.
He must have been in the room with him.’
He had suffered depression
following his wife’s death.
‘I went upstairs. I had
an awful feeling.
I put my head round the door.
I could see him lying at the side of the bed.
His face was straight down and
I just knew.’
Police officers searched the home;
empty packets of insulin.
An officer found a draft text message on his phone.
It gave the name of his niece.
It said, ‘I’m so sorry,
I hope you can forgive me one day.’

[Hull Daily Mail, 16/05/2013, Man found dead after wife drowned in Holderness Drain]