57 how all seemed normal

In a statement read by the Coroner’s Officer,
her husband of 36 years
told how all seemed normal
when he went to work,
but when he returned home
the following morning
with their son
his wife was in the back room, lying half
on the bed.
They phoned 999.
The operator talked them through CPR
until the parademics arrived.
She had been unable to work for about ten years
due to a dengerative back disease.
She had depression for about five years.
She had started suffering from stomach pains
and had also been extremely upset
due to a tribunal regarding her incapacity benefit
which had taken from her.
The pathologist who carried out the post-mortem
said she had eight times the lethal dose
of dothiepin, a prescribed anti-depressant,
and four times the dose of propanolol,
a beta-blocker
which stabilises the heart,
in her system.
He also found codeine and paracetamol
in her body.
The coroner said
‘Her husband had gone
to work,
she was alone.
Things must have just
swept over her,
she found her life

[Blackpool Gazette, 09/12/2008, Back problems led to fatal dose; via Web Archive at 19/04/2016]