27 left in his flat

He had been sectioned before,
could not cope
with unexpected changes.
‘Upsets my life completely.
Feel under threat and upset.
Cannot deal with social
situations. Keep myself
to myself. Do not engage
with strangers. Have no social life.
Feel anxiety and panic
in new situations.’
He had been receiving benefits for many years
as a result of enduring mental distress.
The Department stopped his allowance
and backdated that decision
to the previous month
after making two unsuccessful visits to his home
to ask him why he had not attended a face-to-face assessment.
His housing benefit was also stopped;
standard procedure.
He had just a couple of out-of-date tins of fish
left in his flat
and he weighed just four-and-a-half stone
when his body was found by bailiffs
who had knocked down his front door
to evict him.

[Disability News Service, 23/01/2020, The death of Errol Graham: Man starved to death after DWP wrongly stopped his benefits]