15 he sat in his car in a quiet country lane

He was twenty thousand pounds
in debt. Payday loans;
one thousand per cent interest.
His children told their grandmother
Santa hadn’t come the year before.
A single dad, he quit his job in a factory to look after his children, but fell behind with rent
and with trying to feed and clothe them.
He had four pounds sixty one pence
in his account, waiting for the benefit;
there is an average five-week wait for the first payment.
He had been served an eviction notice.
He sat in his car in a quiet country lane,

[Metro, 21/07/2019, Dad, 34, took his own life after wait for Universal Credit left him with £4.61; Daily Mirror, 20/07/2019, Single dad with just £4.61 took own life after waiting weeks for Universal Credit]