13 after he left the army

He joined the army at 17;
served for two years in Belfast, a lance corporal.
After he left the army,
he worked with BT for 16 years, then
different jobs, but left
to care full-time
for his mother
who had dementia.
After she went into a home
he looked for work,
took two unpaid placements
(he was denied a third)
but his benefits were stopped
when he missed an appointment at the Jobcentre.
He was diabetic. Without support
he couldn’t afford to eat
or put credit
on his electricity card
to keep the fridge working
where he kept his insulin.
On the day he died
of diabetic ketoacidosis
he had three pounds forty-four pence,
six tea bags, a tin
of soup and a can of sardines
(out of date),
no food in his stomach,
and a pile of CVs
next to his body.

[The Daily Mirror, 27/07/2014, Killed by benefits cuts; The Guardian, 09/09/2014, David Clapson’s awful death was the result of grotesque government policies]