10 uncontrolled, uncontrollable or life threatening

He quit his job in 2007
after becoming severely ill:
He rarely left his home, refused
to talk to friends and relatives
or answer the door or phone
often spent days
in the same room.
He lived off his savings for two years
until his money ran out.
In early 2009
he finally began talking again
to his father and step-mother.
They persuaded him to apply for support.
He was assessed by a doctor employed
by a government contractor.
The doctor concluded
there was ‘no evidence
to suggest that the client’s health condition
due to their depression
is uncontrolled,
uncontrollable or life
He asked the Department to reconsider
as this disagreed wildly
with the opinion of his doctor
his psychiatric nurse
and his psychiatrist.
He found out
in January 2010
the Department agreed
with its earlier decision.
Although he began
the next stage of the process –
an independent appeal –
a few days later
his body was found.

[Disability News Service, 02/12/2019, DWP: The Case for the Prosecution]